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Eco Council


Our Eco Council is founded on the belief that we have one planet and must do all we can to care for it. Towards that end we meet regularly to discuss what we do well and what we can do in the future to help us grow as a school.

The children are actively recycling waste paper, batteries, ink cartridges and this year began to collect crisp packets to turn into blankets and bivvy bags for homeless people.

We plant and grow various things to improve the environment and planted trees to create a legacy woodland for future generations on the school field.

This year we have begun to look towards Sustainability Development Goals and chose a group of targets for our climate action plan to set us on the right path,  including fairtrade, litter, water awarenenss and walking to school.

Moving forward, we are linking with Keele University to look into the implications of Net Zero 2050 and environmental stability in our school.


Year 1
Year 1
Year 1
Year 1
yEAR 2
Year 2
Year 2
Year 3
Year 3
Year 4
Year 4
Year 5
Year 5
Year 6
Year 6