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Travel Ambassadors


This year we have been lucky enough to take part in Government run scheme to encourage children to travel to school in an active way.

Our School Council have also taken on the role of Travel Ambassadors to encourage and support their peers to journey to school in an active way.

School Council had training about the importance of active travel on health and on the environment. During the training we looked at the importance of active journeys on our local environment as well as the wider community.

Through the scheme we are taking part in the WOW Living streets campaign.

Our travel Ambassadors support their class to log how they have travelled to school each morning using the WOW travel tracker. This data is then collected throughout the month and children work towards earning a badge. If a child has had one active journey a week they earn a badge.

This has been a great initiative to encourage more active journeys to school.

Year 1
Year 1
Year 2
Year 2
Year 3
Year 3
Year 4
Year 4
Year 5
Year 5


Year 6


Year 6


Year 6


Year 6