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Here at St. Anne’s, we feel it is important to embrace new challenges. Extra-curricular activities and sporting clubs are additional opportunities that give pupils a chance to develop new skills and make a vital contribution to the all-round development of the pupils at school. Therefore, all staff work together to provide enrichment opportunities for pupils. These opportunities offer new skills outside of the curriculum or support with the current curriculum. It is possible when engaging in all aspects of extra-curricular activities to reflect on how what we learn fits in with our friendships and helping others and the wider community.

We value the importance of sport in our pupils’ lives. As well as gaining an understanding of the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle, pupils develop determination, motivation and team spirit and understand how to live our Christian Vision and Values. These attributes help maximise success throughout the rest of the curriculum, enabling all to flourish.

Each half term, we offer a variety of clubs at lunchtimes and after school for pupils to attend. Please take a look at a sample of what clubs we offer each half term.

St. Anne's Singers

St. Anne's Singers meets regularly, particulary during the lead up to Christmas, Mother's Day, Easter and the end of the summer term. The Club is for Year 1, Year 2 and later in the year to Reception children.   During the Club we will sing many different songs. Some may be pop songs or some may be linked to the time of the year (Autumn, Christmas and Easter). During the year St. Anne's Singers are invited to take part in concerts both within Staffordshire Moorlands and within in the community; these may be at the Church, Village Hall or at Brown Edge village events.

Football Club

The Club is held on a Friday between 3.30 p.m. and 4.40 p.m. during the Winter months.  The children are divide into three groups.   Within the sessions the first half is dedicated to skill development and tactical awareness. The rest of the time is given to an end game.

Cross Country

St. Anne's Cross Country Club takes place in the Autumn and Spring terms on Thursdays from 3.30 p.m. until 4.30 p.m. All of the children from Key Stage 2 are invited. In the sessions children run longer distances to develop their stamina. Pupils also take part in fun relay races over shorter distances.

Athletes are then invited to take part in races against other schools. There are two races for all runners in the Autumn term and three in the Spring term.


Eco Club

Children from Year 3 upwards are invited to join the Eco Club which takes place from Easter until October half term. In the sessions, pupils tend to the planters, the window boxes in the outdoor classroom, the borders, the chequer board garden, the wild flower area, the bog garden, the pond and the woodland area. Children enjoy doing all sorts of gardening tasks and take produce home when it is ready to harvest.


Dance Club

Dance Club takes place after school during the summer term. We use a range of music at Dance Club chosen between the children and the teacher. Dance offers a valuable link between ourselves and Endon High School as the Dance Leaders from Endon High School join us at certain times in the year to help the children.  We also perform at the Christmas and Summer Fair so the children attending get an opportunity to perform in front of other people.




Lego/Construction Club

Lego/Construction Club is run, normally between October and Easter by Miss Rosson and Miss Murray for children in EY, Year 1 and Year 2 and by Miss Riley for children in Year  3 and Year 4 and  meets weekly straight after school until 4.00 .pm. We meet in the Year 1 Classroom and Year 3 Classroom and e we have a 'building' theme which could be to make houses, rockets or cars! We use lots of different construction equipment as well as Lego. We work together to make some fantastic models  take photographs of them to record what we have achieved!


School Council

Each year two children out of each year group are elected by their classmates.  They meet every other week with Miss Murray to discuss various issues or make suggestions as to how school can help the children at St Anne’s. Historically the School Council have changed the school uniform and made suggestions as to how we can raise money for various charities. They are currently trying to be actively involved in sorting out the parking issues around school in particularly trying to lobby the Parish Council for a Disabled Parking Space on the Village Hall Car Park

Craft Club

‘Starting after February half term a new and exciting craft club will begin on a Wdnesday after school for Year 1/2. This club is for children who love to create and design, with the added bonus of being able to see the design transform into art after it has been melted together!’

Balanceability Bike Club

During the summer term Miss Murry and Miss Rosson run Balanceability biking sessions. This is part of the learn to ride programme from British Cycling and HSBC called Ready Set Ride. We learn all of the balance and co-ordination skills to ride a bike, which help with other things like tying shoe laces, using cutlery and staying active. We follow the ‘Prepare 2 Ride’ Level 1 stage before moving onto the Level 2 stage- ‘Skills 2 Ride- Balance.